The world of prosthetics has come such a long way since they were first created. Prosthetic eyes, in particular, look more realistic than you might imagine and are a fantastic resource for those with eye loss. Learn more about prosthetic eyes below.
Are Prosthetic Eyes Made of Glass?
Prosthetic eyes are used for a range of eye loss issues. From a disease or injury that causes the loss of the eye, prosthetic eyes can be used to help the patient feel more comfortable and have a better quality of life overall. When prosthetic eyes were first created, they were made of glass as it was an antibacterial material, easy to mold, and more comfortable than some other materials.
Today, prosthetic eyes are made of acrylic as this material can be made to look more realistic, lighter, and is still very antibacterial. Acrylic is also very durable. Prosthetic eyes are not fully round, only the front part of the eye is rounded, and the back portion is actually hollowed out. Acrylic allows artists making the eyes the ability to add color and dimension and really make these prosthetic eyes look real and beautiful.
What Happens During Prosthetic Eye Surgery?
The process of removing the eye is called enucleation, and it is a rather drawn-out process that can be traumatic for some. The process starts with the full removal of the eye. This is to remove the damaged eye, the disease if there is any, and allow for the introduction of an implant that will be used to support the prosthetic.
As a rule, prosthetics are not going to be implanted themselves, but the implant used will work as a support. This is necessary so that the eye can be changed and adjusted as the person grows, as their face changes, and as the prosthetic needs change. Prosthetic eyes are a fantastic thing that can make anyone feel comfortable in their own skin and help them avoid people looking at them and pointing out that they are missing an eye.
Prosthetic eyes are removable so that the socket can be cleaned and so that the wearer can sleep and rest without having to have the eye in their socket all the time. Prosthetic eyes are easy enough to clean. You pop it out of the socket, and you can use an eye wash to wash the socket. You then put the prosthetic eye in a cleaning solution to remove any debris, dirt, or any other deposits on the prosthetic’s surface. You can store it until you put it back in, or you can immediately put it back in.