Getting a prosthetic eye is a positive move toward improving your quality of life after an unfortunate circumstance. However, you might not know what to expect with prosthetic eye surgery. Here’s some information to help you understand how it works and what to expect:
Prosthetic Eye Materials
The earliest prosthetic eyes were crafted of glass, but lab technicians use plastic acrylics to create them today. These plastic acrylic devices are placed over an ocular implant that doctors place further into the eye socket after removing damaged eye tissue.
Preparing for Surgery
Ensuring a successful surgical procedure requires you to prepare yourself beforehand. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics before your surgery to decrease the possibility of developing an infection after the procedure. You may also receive anti-inflammatory medication. Be sure to take your prescribed medication as directed by the specialist and get plenty of rest and hydration.
Touch your eye area as little as possible so that you don’t aggravate it or make it vulnerable to infection or prolonged healing.
The Prosthetic Eye Surgical Procedure
The first medical procedure will involve removing the damaged eye and cleaning the remaining area. This procedure usually occurs under a local anesthetic, and the doctors may also provide you with an anti-anxiety drug to help ease any nervousness that may occur.
Furthermore, you may choose to receive or decline a general anesthetic. Your eye doctor will discuss these options and notify you of your choices beforehand so that you can make the most advantageous selection for yourself.
The specialist will place an implant into the eye socket in the second step of the process, and you’ll have time to heal while the lab makes your prosthesis. The last part of the medical process is attaching the prosthesis and ensuring it fits properly.
Healing and Recovery
Healing after surgery may take several weeks. You may receive a second round of antibiotics to prevent infection, and you will likely wear an eye patch or bandage until you go to the appointment to have your prosthetic eye replaced.
You can help your healing process advance faster if you avoid touching your eye area, stay well hydrated, and get adequate rest.
The prosthetic eye creation is probably the longest process because of its intricate details. An ocularist carefully examines the eye socket, iris, and other parts of the healthy eye and creates a prosthetic eye that matches as much as possible. He or she then places it and adjusts it accordingly.
Installing the eye is only the first step toward recovering and reclaiming your life. You will need to visit your specialist and perform care and maintenance on your prosthetic to ensure its longstanding effectiveness.
It might also be wise to find a support group to talk to about the traumatic event you just experienced. Dealing with the loss of your eye can be devastating, but learning to get the most out of life with your new prosthetic can be exciting and fulfilling.