Various occupations require proper eye protection. Some of these occupations include auto repair, construction, electrical work, plumbing, mining, welding, carpentry, and many others. The type of eye protection you should have will vary depending on the type of hazards you are exposed to. Continue reading to find out how you can protect your eyes while at work.
Ways You Can Protect Your Eyes at Work
If you are wondering how to protect your eyes at work, here are several things you can do.
Wear Safety Goggles
Safety goggles are specifically designed to protect your eyes from being exposed to various hazards. While they may resemble regular prescription or nonprescription glasses, the lenses are more powerful than your normal pair of glasses. Safety goggles can be worn to protect your eyes from debris, chips, dust, and much more. They also contain shields on the side of the glasses to protect debris from getting into your eyes from the sides.
Remember, that you must obtain safety glasses that fit comfortably to get maximum protection. You should also make sure that you clean them after each wear since using them while they are dirty can cause accidents.
Helmets and Shields
Face shields are also available to help employees that are around heat, chemicals, and blood. Helmets can also be used as protection for those who work in construction and welding. But, you should wear helmets and face shields along with safety goggles to protect your eyes when your shield is not actively covering your face.
Other Protective Gear
There are also helmets and safety goggles available that contain filters that will keep your eyes safe against exposure to radiation. These should only be worn if using lasers or in welding jobs.
Wearing Contact Lenses
If you work in the industrial field and wear contact lenses, you should tread carefully. There is no guarantee that wearing contact lenses can fully protect your eyes against exposed hazards and chemicals. They can improve working conditions since they can provide you with a clearer vision, which leads to better productivity.
Additionally, contact lenses can provide more comfort when wearing safety goggles and other safety equipment over prescription eyeglasses.
Workers should have the option to continue wearing their contact lenses even when working under hazardous conditions. You must still protect your eyes by wearing the appropriate safety gear.
Common Eye Dangers at Work
If you work around dust, metal, wood, fumes, radiation, or bodily fluids, you should do your part and wear the appropriate eye protection. There are even certain working environments that can put you at risk for various eye dangers.
Always make sure that you are aware of the requirements for the type of work you do. Employers should also do their best to ensure that working conditions remain safe. They can do this by eliminating eye hazards, making sure that all employees have the necessary eye protection, and performing an eye hazard evaluation of the work environment.