How Do Ocular Prosthetic Fittings Work?

Having something happen to your eye can be traumatic. There can be an adjustment period before you accept what has happened. Once you do, you can start focusing on solutions. Ocular prosthetics can be of enormous help to you if you ever lose an eye.

Ocularists are people who specialize in creating prosthetic eyes for people who have lost their eye due to illness or accidents. They’ve performed numerous ocular fittings and are well versed in the ocular fittings process.

Since that will be the first step to receiving your artificial eye, you’re probably curious about how the ocular fittings process works. Let’s take a look.


Before you can be fitted for an ocular prosthetic, your ocularist will have to weigh several factors in your medical history. These include any surgeries you may have had, the anatomy of your eye socket and any other prosthetic eyes you’ve used in the past. Everything needs to be considered so that you can be fitted with an ocular prosthetic that works for you.


While you may want to get fitted for an ocular prosthetic as soon as you possibly can after the loss of your eye, for optimal results, you’ll unfortunately have to wait. If you’ve undergone surgery on your eye (like an enucleation procedure), you won’t be eligible to be fitted for an ocular prosthetic for three to six weeks. This waiting period gives your eye socket time to heal.

Empirical fitting method

There are two types of ocular fittings: empirical fitting and modified impression fitting. Your ocularist will determine which one is right for you.

The empirical fitting method involves a thorough inspection of the eye socket. The ocularist will check for any irregularities that you may have in your eyelid. These include inward turning of the eyelid, outward turning of the eyelid, drooping of the eyelid and having a small eyelid opening.

If the ocularist notices any of these deviations, then he or she will use that information to shape the ocular prosthetic in a corrective manner. The contours of the ocular prosthetic will help shape the eyelid into a healthier and more aesthetically-pleasing position.

Modified impression fitting method

If you’ve ever been to the dentist and given an impression of your teeth, then you’ll get the gist of this ocular prosthetic fitting process. This method uses many of the techniques of the empirical fitting method while also taking a mold of the eye socket.

Like at the dentist, a cream will be administered via a fitting tray; unlike the dentist, that cream will be used to get an impression of your eye. This fitting method is a comprehensive process that can capture all the unique characteristics of your eye socket and should facilitate smooth movement of your prosthetic. It will also provide better symmetry of your eyes and eyelids while offering a comfortable fit.

Call for your ocular prosthetic fitting today

The ocular fittings process is a painless and valuable way to ensure that you get the ocular prosthetic that you need. If you need to schedule an ocular fitting, call us at Hetzler Ocular Prosthetics Inc. We offer custom ocular prosthetics, conventional ocular prosthetics and scleral shells, and we’d love to discuss your options during a free consultation today.